Search Through My Things


Here's Another One For The Books



Let the rain fall
The thunder rumble,
And the lightning flash, 
The crackle above your sweetened  head
Afraid to know as people roll by;

Dont walk, Dont move.
Allow my mind to crash
Go boom

Then maybe you'll see
How silly your being.
Dont push away 
Though it's easy to do

You know you'll be back
Should have listen to me
Let the thunder clap
And the lightning spark

I know your scared
 Just let me in
Let me grab hold
Though I maybe never let go


Just a Few of The Old and The Beautiful

Here Are Just A Couple Of My Old 

To Prepare You For The New

I have always had a passion for drawing, and have been doing so for.... well for as long as I can remember. My past drawings have only ever been on paper with some kind of lead or ink. Though now sometimes I use my markers, paints, and now I have been exposed to a Cintique. An animators best friend. 

I will be posting up some more of the past later on, but the present is yet to come. Yay!!